Staff & Administration

Dr. Rich Pruitt
Richard A. Pruitt, PhD, is an ordained Assemblies of God minister and served in full-time pastoral ministry from 1985 to 2007 before transitioning to academia. He most recently served as an Associate Professor of Theology at North Central University in Minneapolis (2016-2022) and has taught biblical, theological, and religious studies courses both online and in the classroom since 2007. At NCU, he also served as an Academic Support Specialist for Academic Affairs, developing online courses, supporting online instructors, and assisting adjunct faculty with on-boarding, training, and orientation.
Dr. Linda Linzey
Academics Director
Dr. Linda Linzey is an educator who has served as a university professor and administrator for most of her career. Over the course of her 13 years at Southeastern University, an Assemblies of God school, she served five years as the chair of the Department of Humanities. She frequently led groups of students on short-term Study Abroad trips to England, sharing her love of all things British.
Throughout their marriage, Linda and her husband Paul have been involved in pastoral and military ministry as well as leading lay leadership training and marriage/family seminars and retreats.
Pastor Debby Inman
Student Life Director & Campus Pastor
Pastor Debby Inman served at Maranatha Church in Decatur, Illinois, for over 20 years, most recently as the Associate Pastor for four years. She has a desire to help people discover who they are in Jesus by helping them define, refine and use their God-given gifts to fulfill His call on their lives.
She and her husband, Scott, have been married for 23 years. They have four daughters; Madison, Reece, Halle and Gracelynn.
Erin Henderson
Student Life & Enrollment Administrator
Joel Pruitt
Marketing Manager